Chairperson's Report 2021

Chairperson’s Report

I am pleased to present the 2021 Annual Report of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS). This Report illustrates the complexity and richness of Catholic Education across South Australia. Despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been another very successful year for Catholic Education in our Schools, Colleges and Centres. On 24 May 2021, we celebrated 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia with a Mass in the Cathedral.

On behalf of the Commission, I extend our appreciation of the spiritual and pastoral leadership of Archbishop Patrick O’Regan DD, Archbishop of Adelaide and Bishop Karol Kulczycki SDS, Bishop of the Diocese of Port Pirie. I wish also to acknowledge the outstanding educational leadership of the Director of Catholic Education SA, Dr Neil McGoran, and the Director of Education for the Pirie Diocese, Mrs. Nichii Mardon.

If we thought 2020 was a year of unprecedented change then we were searching for new adjectives to describe the ongoing impact of the Covid pandemic on our schools and communities in 2021. The Commission extends its appreciation to the School /College Principals and their amazing staff who demonstrated such a high level of agility in addressing a wide range of emerging issues throughout the past year. Some of the requirements for the management of COVID presented a number of significant difficulties for our colleges with boarding provision.

2021 was a year of impressive achievements in Catholic Education in South Australia with enrolment growth driving student numbers over 48,000. Families expressed the view that they were choosing Catholic education for their children because of the high quality of the care, well-being initiatives, strong faith and spiritual development programs and excellent academic outcomes. We anticipate that the enrolments in our schools, colleges and centres will expand past the 50,000 mark in 2022.

In 2021, the Commission was very pleased with the establishment of several new schools and campuses, with exciting developments at Xavier College Two Wells, St Francis of Assisi in Renmark, the Western Technical College at Mount Carmel College at Rosewater, and the innovative Compass Catholic Community at Davoren Park.

We celebrated a number of amalgamations: including Cardijn College with Galilee Catholic School at Aldinga; Mount Carmel College with Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish School; and plans are underway for St Brigid’s at Evanston to become a Campus of Xavier College.

The Commission embarked on a significant number of new infrastructure developments in 2021, approving major works amounting to $209,049,326. We purchased properties to facilitate the expansion of some schools amounting to $28,340,000. During 2021, the range of capital projects under construction, or completed, involved payments of $111,363,930.

We commenced 2021 with the Blessing and Official Opening of the St Thomas Aquinas Centre at Blackfriars School at Prospect on January 29th. This heralded a year with an unprecedented number of Blessing and Opening Ceremony Events  at Xavier College, Two Wells in March; McAuley Community School, a Catholic School in the Mercy Tradition at Hove; and St Frances de Sales College at Mt Barker in April; St Brigid’s School at Evanston in May; St Gabriel’s Centre at Nazareth College in June; St Joseph’s School at Kingswood and Star of the Sea at Henley Beach in September; The Micah Centre for Senior Students at Gleeson College in October, and St Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School at Enfield in November.

The Commission decided in 2021 to introduce another way to celebrate the outstanding contributions of the nearly 9,000 staff along with those members of a school’s broader community who contribute so much to the life of a School, College or Centre. The scheme for Annual Catholic Education Awards was approved by the Commission with a range of categories and subsequently a system for the nomination of candidates was established. A tentative date was set for May 4 in 2022 for a Catholic Education Awards ceremony.

A range of strategies to further improve the affordability of Catholic Education was a focus for the Commission during 2021. The “Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative” covering aspects such as Fee Setting & Fee Remission, along with a set of other strategies such as “No Fees for Mid-Year Enrolment (Reception) students”, were warmly received by parents and carers. It certainly had a positive impact on enrolment growth.

Our schools in rural and regional areas were very pleased to receive $1M from the State Government to assist with fair access to catholic schools in those areas. This funding enabled the purchase of school buses in some locations along with a subsidy for families to assist in transporting children to School.

During 2021, the Commission continued to make representations to all levels of government in our efforts to achieve fairness and equity in the level of funding provided to Catholic Education in South Australia. We appreciated the Capital Works Grant of $11.8M from the State Government which facilitated a range of important building projects at our Schools.

The Commission continued its strong partnership with the Governors and Trustees of our separately governed schools & colleges.  As in previous years we held a Forum with the Governors and Trustees to discuss a broad range of matters, including a new scheme for the provision of some capital funding to their colleges. A particular focus in the 2021 meeting was to consult with the Governors and Trustees regarding a wide range of Strategic Directions for Catholic Education in South Australia in the period 2022 to 2027.

Aquinas College, the Catholic University College in Adelaide, has effectively provided accommodation, spiritual and pastoral care, academic support tutorials, and a broad range of other programs since 1950.  In 2021, the Archbishop approved a set of new governance arrangements for Aquinas College, whereby the College would be more integrated into Catholic Education, and within the oversight of the Commission. I acknowledge the outstanding contribution of Br Michael Green fms, Rector of Aquinas College, in his leadership of the College.

During 2021, the Commission approved a number of new policies and procedures, including a Religious Leadership in Catholic Schools Policy Statement; a Naming and Branding Approval for Diocesan Schools; and a Charter for Staff in Schools. In addition, the Commission approved for consultation a Draft Policy re Student Inclusion and Diversity.

The Catholic System successfully transitioned year 7 students into secondary settings with the year 7 enrolments increasing from 3,309 in 2017 to 3,930 in 2021. On behalf of the Commission, I commend everyone involved in this major change across our system. The Regional Schools Pathways Program played an important role in this process at Wallaroo, Clare, Murray Bridge and Peterborough where those Schools extended to become Years R -9 Schools.

We have so much to celebrate across Catholic schools and centres in South Australia but we must not be enticed into complacency because we must focus on the future and the development of challenging proposals to meet the needs/demands of a changing world. Therefore, we embarked on an extensive consultation process regarding our Strategic Directions ahead. Forums were held with the Chairs of School Boards, the Priests and Deacons across South Australia, the Governors and Trustees of our Separately Governed Schools and the leadership of all our schools, colleges and centres.

Taking into account the advice gained from this extensive consultation, the Commission approved the Document, “Towards 2027: Expanding Horizons and Deepening Practices” Strategy for Catholic Education in South Australia. It is indeed a bold strategy, inspired by the life and mission of Jesus, and with the learning, formation and achievement of children and young people at its heart. To bring the strategy to life and inspired by the vision, mission and values of Catholic Education, our Commission has endorsed seven commitments and twenty-one outcomes to shape and drive our decision-making, and the work of catholic schools, centres and offices during the period 2022–2026. The Commission plans to launch this document at a significant public event early in 2022.

In closing, I extend my sincere thanks to all members of the Commission for their commitment and ongoing dedication to the achievement of quality outcomes regarding all aspects of Catholic Education. The Commission is deeply appreciative of the contribution made by our four Standing Committees, Advisory Committees and the Working Parties. I express our appreciation to the two Commissioners who completed their term on the Commission, namely Ms Georgia Dennis and Mr Mark Michael, who both made significant contributions to the work of the Commission.

On behalf of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools I submit this Annual Report and in my role as Chair of the Commission I assert our determination to provide ongoing quality leadership, discernment and positive action to build on the many strengths of Catholic Education in South Australia in 2022 and beyond.

Professor Denis W Ralph
Chair, SACCS