Marketing & Communications

Marketing and Communications

Throughout the year, the Communications and Marketing team provided significant support to Catholic Education South Australia across a number of strategic areas including:

  • Critical Incident Response Team – ongoing communications management during the COVID-19 pandemic including communications and media liaison during school closures; sharing COVID-19 alerts via the CESA website and social media; promotion and support of various covid management strategies.
  • Regional Schools Pathways Project – communications, marketing strategy, and media relations to support the project team working with four regional Catholic primary schools who are expanding from their current Reception to Year 7 status to offer Reception to Year 8 from 2022 (and Year 9 from 2023):
    • St Mary MacKillop School, Wallaroo
    • St Joseph’s School, Peterborough
    • St Joseph’s School, Clare
    • St Joseph’s School, Murray Bridge.
  • New Schools – With two new schools due to open in 2022 - St Francis of Assisi College, Renmark, and Compass Catholic Community, Daveron Park - the team has worked with the project teams to develop school logos, websites, promotional collateral and marketing plans.
  • Catholic School Parents SA – with the establishment of a new parent body to strengthen parent engagement across Catholic Schools, work commenced to build the profile of the organisation. In partnership with the recently appointed Executive Officer, a logo and brand were developed for this new parent body.
  • Towards 2027 Strategy – resources were prepared for the launch of Catholic Education South Australia’s new strategy.
  • Media Relations – the team continued to strengthen our media engagement gaining significant media coverage on a range of topics including:
    • 200 Years of Catholic Education
    • Scholarships for children in care
    • Opening of our 111th campus at Two Wells
    • Free midyear intake for Receptions
    • New campus for Year 11 and 12s at Kidman Park.
  • Professional Development - a range of professional development programs were offered including media training for principals and marketing and communications strategy for staff in schools.

Promoting our schools

In addition to the strategic work to promote and support the system, the team worked with individual schools to raise the profile of Catholic schooling. Through the Enhancing Schools Project, a number of schools were identified as needing critical attention with marketing strategy.

Catholic schools have embraced the new tagline, Raising Hearts and Minds, and there has been strong engagement with Catholic Education SA’s brand strategy. 

Catholic Schools Open Week was held on August 9 – 15. Over 100 school tours, virtual tours and events were promoted through the campaign which featured 78 students from 46 schools across over 160 billboards, bus shelter and retail advertisements. As part of Open Week, the 6th edition of Catholic Schools Magazine published in the Advertiser and distributed to close to 300,000 readers.

Digital strategy

Digital engagement continues to be strong with Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, digital advertising and the CESA website all used to raise the profile of Catholic Education South Australia.

With over 1.2 million page views, engagement with the CESA Website was up significantly on the previous year. Most visited sections included the school directory, positions vacant and the COVID-19 Alerts page. The Learning Online portal developed in 2020 continued to support teachers, parents and students learning remotely during the pandemic. This resource attracted over 46,500 unique visitors.

Staff project managed the development of 12 new responsive school websites, three remodels of existing school websites and the launch of the Crossways Curriculum website, the Annual Report website and the Catholic Education Awards Website in 2021.