Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

CESA Strategic Planning

Throughout 2021 the Strategy Coordinator worked intensively to review, update and redevelop the organisations plans and strategies for the future.

Following extensive work and consultation within the CESA community, the Commission has approved:

  1. Towards 2027: Expanding Horizons and Deepening Practices, Strategy for Catholic Education South Australia.
  2. The SACCS Corporate Plan 2022 – 2026.
  3. 2021 Annual Plan Report – this highlighted the achievements of 2021 and identified the high-level actions that required rolling over to the 2022 Annual Plan.
  4. SACCS 2022 Annual Plan – comprising of the high-level actions and strategic initiatives for the first year of the 5-year Corporate Plan.   

CESA Futures Infrastructure Strategy (CFIS)

The purpose of the CESA Futures Infrastructure Strategy is to provide a coherent strategy that addresses the immediate term (1-5 years), medium term (5-15 years), and longer term (15-30 years) infrastructure priorities for Catholic education across South Australia.

In late 2021 the Steering Committee membership completed its initiating purposes across 2020 and 2021, with new membership and an independent chair to be inducted into the work commencing in 2022. 

Western Technical College (WTC)

The Western Technical College was completed in late December 2021, in readiness for the College launching its new operations with almost 300 registered Vocational Education students from all three education sectors.