Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity Standing Committee

This report illustrates the fullness and variety of the work in the religious and leadership domains in 2021. 

Through the development and formation of religious leaders within CESA school communities and the work undertaken to support the implementation of religious education as a fundamental part of the curriculum in our schools, the work of the Catholic Identity Section and the People, Leadership and Culture Section played essential roles in sustaining the mission of Catholic Education in South Australia. 

The Catholic Identity Section had a successful year during 2021 in working with its sectional intent as expressed in the CESA Corporate Plan 2020-2024: To enhance the Catholic identity and mission of Catholic education in South Australia.  Below is an overview of the key facets of the work of the various teams in the section: the Religious Education and Faith Formation Team (REFF), Catholic Studies, Family Faith Formation Team, the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults, the Catholic Resource and Information Service and the Catholic Schools Music Festival. Inspired by the Christian Tradition and focusing on the integration of faith, life and culture, these teams educate, form and resource those involved in the educational mission to children and young people in the Catholic dioceses of South Australia.

Catholic Identity - Curriculum